School Day

Times of the School Day

At The Gregg School, the school day is from 8.30am to 3.40pm, after which students can attend a co-curricular club or activity.

Students arrive, generally on the school minibuses, between 8.30am and 8.40am. Tutor time takes place every day from 8.40am unless there is a House, Year Group or Lower/Upper School Assembly.

School Timetable

8.30am Students arrive 
8.40am Tutor and Registration
9.00 – 9.50am Lesson 1
9.55 - 10.45am Lesson 2
10.45am – 11am Break 
11am - 11.50am Lesson 3
11.55am - 12.45pm Lesson 4
12.45pm - 2pm Lunch and Co-curricular Clubs
2pm - 2.50pm Lesson 5
2.55pm - 3.45pm Lesson 6
3.50pm Bus home or Co-curricular Clubs
5pm Late bus home